Friday, July 8, 2011

the things that you should know..

you never know with whom you will falling in love..because its not like you buying someting in have to do list the things that u would buy..
it happened suddenly..and maybe you cant control the felling..
when you are falling in love with someone that so far away from you..what can you do for him?
you just can see him from the social network that you are connecting to him and let you see about him..anything he wrote down there,about his daily and anything he did..
it seems you  loving something not real but you couldnt lie with yourself you really love him..
just wonderin gif u thinking about me everyday like i alwasy do for you.
you its like crazy! yeah it s crazy for me..
i have been stalking on you..anything about you  i have to know..i am freaky of you damn!
and u never realized it.
love isnt alwasy falling in love so thats why i ask to you,and make it sure you really love me?or not?
i have been a fool..
i cant describe about you well because you are more than the words
you know i feel i like the lukiest girl because i was know you..
and i know i will never forget when and where the first time we met..
adn you said you was drunk at the time..
oh i think you were a bad man haha but you are really not..
till 8 month you gone..i dont get a news about you..
i had asked your friends,and forced him to give me inform about you but you know what he did to me?
he cheated at me..he just took a profit of me..ah well i just felt i wasnt lucky at those moment..
i dont know what make me so curious about you.what happend to you it was acrross on my mind?
hmmm but i believe that you will come back and put some email to me..
and after 8month..
i really remember i got your email on my bed,and what?is it from you?
and i still keep those email from you..:)
and you sent me a video..yeah your first video..and yeah i save it too on my laptop..haha you had bald on the video haha..and do something foolish :D
if i could to forget you maybe i wouldnt ran so far to keep closer to you..
i just think you are special than others..not because yeah you know the things western loves..
it has been 2 year we know each others..and you make me more like you..
may i am not real for you and you either..
but you know the feeling cant lie!
you had ever said wat for we should cheat on the person who we loves?
but sometimes we need it you know..
we are just a human so we could lie..we are not perfect..

you stole my heart! not fair!
you have to send to the prison u did soemting bad haha

its all about you..

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